Cookies Bring Good Cheer!
December is the time for the Jean Roberts Memorial Cookie Collection. Please bake or purchase Christmas cookies for gifting to the homebound and for holiday food bags. You may bring
Read moreDecember is the time for the Jean Roberts Memorial Cookie Collection. Please bake or purchase Christmas cookies for gifting to the homebound and for holiday food bags. You may bring
Read moreNewtown Square resident, Hailey Parker, was only 10 years old when she was diagnosed with a form of brain cancer called GBM and only 11 when she lost her battle
Read moreDecember 3 is the First Sunday of Advent. Worship that day will include our “Longing for the Light of Healing and Hope” liturgy which includes a Prayer Litany and, optionally,
Read moreThe Harvey Cedars retreat, for all youth in grades 6-12, will be held March 2-4. Registration materials and payment will be due by Sunday, January 14. More information will be
Read moreAs the days get shorter and the weather turns colder, we give thanks to our Gardening Angels, who have worked hard to plant and maintain our gardens since early Spring.
Read moreOn Sundays November 12 and 19, a Sparkhouse Book Fair display will be up in the Sunday School hallway downstairs. On Sunday, November 26, the Book Fair display will be
Read moreA group from Reformation will take a one hour drive to Conowingo Dam to see the bald eagles with Tom Reeves on Saturday, November 18. We will leave the church
Read moreWe invite you to our recital, Love Notes, featuring Soprano Leah Golub, which will be given on Saturday, November 18 at 3:00 pm. The selections are a diverse range of
Read moreSERVING OUR NEIGHBOR When we think of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we generally think of family, food, and the sharing of gifts. This holiday season, you can help our less fortunate
Read moreWe will meet for a delicious lunch and fun conversation on November 15, at Firepoint Grill Restaurant located at 3739 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square. The food is made 100%
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