Mark E. Davis Scholarship 2017-2018
The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year
Read moreThe Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year
Read moreThe Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29, beginning with a luncheon immediately following the 11:00 worship. Copies of the written annual reports will be available at
Read moreAn Adult Forum will be led by Treasurer Tom Conroy at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, January 22, in Creighton Hall. This will be an opportunity to hear an in-depth report
Read moreHARVEY CEDARS The Harvey Cedars retreat, for all youth in grades 6-12, will be held March 3-5. Registration materials and payment will be due by Sunday, January 15. Information has
Read moreThe Men’s Breakfast group invites all Reformation men to our next breakfast on Saturday, January 14. Our guest speaker this month will be renowned world traveler, Mr. Dan Smith (and
Read moreYouth in grades 6-12 are invited to our January Youth Group gathering! Emily Black will be hosting our first ROCK On session on Sunday, January 8, at 4:00 pm. This
Read moreSUNDAY, JANUARY 8 12:00 pm in Creighton Hall This review is for all CPR certified members or those interested in CPR. Training will be conducted by Pat Woerheide, RN after
Read moreCHRISTMAS EVE AND DAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP All services include Carols, Candlelight, & Communion 4:00 p.m. – a special service designed especially for children who will participate in
Read moreSt. Nicholas Celebration Sunday, December 4 Will be held during both morning worships. Bishop Nicholas will visit us and dedicate the gifts we bring to support local community organizations. Chester
Read moreAs you plan for the coming season of gift-giving, consider a gift of hope and love that can help make a difference in the world with ELCA GOOD GIFTS. The
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