
Rally Day 2023

Rally Day 2023

Rally Day is Sunday, September 10.  Our regular worship schedule resumes that morning with worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am.  Please plan to join us as we start another great

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Summer Worship Schedule

Summer Worship Schedule

Please note that our summer worship schedule begins on Sunday, May 28 and will continue through Sunday, September 3.  Summer worship times are 8:30 am and 10:00 am. Sunday School

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Celebrate RIC Sunday

Celebrate RIC Sunday

Both worship services on Sunday, January 29 will participate in the annual Reconciling in Christ Sunday to celebrate our commitment to welcome and affirm the LGBTQIA+ community and all God’s

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Epiphany @ Home On January 8, Epiphany @ Home packets will be available for families to take home. The packets will include a litany and instructions for Blessing your Home

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