Internships & Scholarships

Click the scholarship or internship below to learn more.

The Mark E. Davis Scholarship was established by The Rev. William and Irene Davis, following the death of their son, Mark. The scholarship is a one-year scholarship to a four-year college or university awarded to a member(s) of Reformation Lutheran Church. Applicants can be high school seniors or currently attending a college or university. The scholarship is awarded to an applicant(s) who demonstrate a high level of academic, religious, and community-oriented commitment and achievement. The scholarship is awarded annually in July.
Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year may be obtained from the counter in the church narthex or by clicking here.  All applications and support materials must be received or postmarked by May 1, 2024 deadline. Applicants should be aware that requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation can take extra time and should plan accordingly in order to meet the deadline.

The Reinhard Scholarship was established in 2001 at Reformation Lutheran Church, Media, PA in loving memory of Chester N. and C. Marie Reinhard by their daughter, Helen Beck.

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support to a student(s) preparing for public ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The award will be presented annually during a worship service at Reformation which the award recipient takes part in the service.

Candidates for Ministry of Word and Sacrament and Ministry of Word and Service are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Preference is given to applicants who are members of Reformation, Media, PA. If no qualified member of Reformation applies, preference is given to candidates from the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod enrolled in an ELCA seminary.

In 2025, scholarship(s) will be awarded on March 30 at Reformation, Media. A full scholarship is $1000.

Click here to download the 2025-2026 Application – Due by January 1, 2025.



Supervision: Pastor Eileen Ruppel-Doan and designated ministry leaders

• Be a current college student enrolled in a college or university
• Complete all required criminal background checks and clearances as per Pennsylvania state law
• Have access to transportation
• Have the ability to work on some projects remotely
• Have an interest in working in this congregation and a willingness to support its mission
• Have a strong faith commitment and an ability to share faith with others
• Have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team setting
• Not a member of Reformation Lutheran Church, Media
• Preference will be given to students engaged in religious life, social ministries, education, justice,
advocacy, or other related fields

• Learn about the administrative work of a congregation
• Participate and lead in programs of the congregation – in education, service, and worship
• Work with individuals of different ages and abilities
• Have individual supervision and discernment with congregational leadership
• Work in an area of special interest to the intern

• Help to grow summer education, service, and other programs of the congregation (such as Vacation
Bible School, Youth Summer Service Days, Art in the Heart of Worship)
• Work to further the congregation’s engagement in the local community through connecting to local
• Attend staff, council, and ministry team meetings as needed
• Assist with administrative tasks
• Assist called staff of the congregation with pastoral and programmatic responsibilities
• Provide support for the congregation through technology

Length of Internship and Hours:
• 10 weeks during the summer months
• The internship will begin by the end of May (actual start date to be determined by the intern’s
availability at the conclusion of the semester)
• 20-25 hours per week, sometimes including Sunday worship

Time Off:
• The intern must complete 10 weeks at Reformation, if a week off is needed during the summer, the
intern is responsible for making the request for time off and will need to extend their time by the amount
of time off taken.
• Interns may take up to one unpaid week off during the summer
• Pastor Eileen should be notified of time off at the time the internship position is offered

• $250 per week/$2500 per summer (no additional reimbursement for travel or housing)


Applications for Summer 2024 are due by April 1, 2024.



The Choral Scholars ministry offers a $2750 (yearly) scholarship position to three local students for the 20232024 academic year. Students can be in their junior or senior year of high school or any year in college. The positions allow students the experience of singing with an accomplished traditional church choir and director. Scholars will act as section leaders within the choir. The church benefits from their musical skills and expertise and the program helps them to better develop their choral background. The position offers students the venue to s i n g as soloists and as a group in addition to the opportunity to teach and conduct the choir. Additional opportunities for instrumental music are also available such as playing with the handbell choir or providing other instrumental leadership at worship if that is a talent of the scholar.


Choral Scholars must have musical talent, the ability to perform and lead within a choral group, and be enrolled in a college or university. Students do not need to be Lutheran to apply. Participation requires full participation in the Chancel Choir, which includes a weekly rehearsal on Thursday evenings from 7:309:00 pm (Wednesdays during Lent) and Sunday morning warmup (8:00 am) and worship (8:309:30 am). The schedule for the 20232024 year begins on Thursday, August 31, 2023, and will follow the academic calendar of the student’s school with regard to breaks and time off. During the spring semester, there will be additional sung services including Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and two services on Easter Sunday. During this schedule, absences from 4 rehearsals and 4 services will be permitted. If more absences are required and a substitute cannot be found, a deduction from the scholarship amount will be discussed.


Applications should be emailed here.  A resume’ may be attached if available.  In person auditions and interviews will be held.

Form of Compensation

Choral Scholars are awarded a $2750 grant at a rate of $50 per call for their service to Reformation Lutheran Church. This will be paid in regular installments over the course of the year.


Valerie Rozek, Director of Music


Through this internship, you will:

Gain an understanding of how live-streaming works on a larger scale, using equipmentfrom Blackmagicdesign, ElGato, and Kramer.
Learn fundamentals of video switching and cueing, remote camera control, overlaying graphics and HDMI matrix devices.
Create graphics content using ProPresenter
Develop skills in managing/directing multiple factors of the livestream

Provide support for the congregation through technology
Complete responsibilities scheduled weekly
Has punctual timing to arrive
Maintain the integrity of the Live stream both in production quality and content quality.

Length of Internship and Hours:
12 weeks of a semester (including 12 Sundays – 8:00 am – 12:30 pm)
About 1 – 2 hour of remote work (ProPresenter, analytics, etc)

$1250 per semester (no additional reimbursement for travel)

To apply:
Send cover letter and resume to

Learn more here.