Adult Forum is held in Creighton Hall during the Sunday School hour of 9:45 to 10:45 on a few Sundays between worship services.
It is a program with a variety of topics and speakers held on Sundays when Bible Study and Faith Life Connection Class is not held. (please check our calendar for specific dates).
Interesting, previous topics have included:
- Religious Life at West Point (a presentation by the visiting cadets);
- An overview of the gospel according to Matthew;
- A series on Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg;
- A presentation about the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia;
- A program on our Elwyn Ministry;
- An Ecology Sunday presentation;
- The history of favorite Hymns;
- Habitat for Humanity;
- Presentation on the Appalachia Service Project trip
- Presentation on the Tanzania trip;
- Lutheran view of Saints