Eco Ministry

Acting Chairperson – Kate Fernandez

ECO Ministry oversees the programs for Church Recycling and provides education regarding the care of God’s creation, encouraging all to be good stewards of the Earth.

Click here to see our Eco-Justice page full of resources to connect you with education, advocacy, and prayer for the care of the earth.

Opportunities to serve & programs include:

  • Recycling

    The church takes part in local municipality recycling. Please recycle bulletins in the marked bins. All other items such as eyeglasses, ink and toner cartridges, and cell phones may be deposited in marked containers at the bottom of the main staircase.

  • Road Clean-up

    At least twice each year, volunteers from the congregation spend a few hours on a weekend day to clean up Rose Tree Road. Watch the church bulletin or the calendar for the dates!

  • ECO Sunday Event

    Each year in April, a special topic of ecological/environmental interest is offered at a Sunday Adult Forum with presentations, displays, and hands-on activities.

  • Recycle Old Clothes

    Reformation has  partnered with ACR Trading, a local company that collects old clothes and shoes and recycles them. We have a collection bin at the west end of the building near the dumpsters. The following items are accepted: wearable clothing, shoes, belts, purses, linens, blankets and stuffed animals.  All items must be clean and dry and placed in a tied plastic bag. Donations can be left in the bin at your convenience.

  • ECO Tips

    Share tips for an eco-friendly life in the weekly Sunday worship Bulletin.

  • Movie Night & Pot Luck Dinner

    A movie of ecological/environmental interest is presented as a fellowship event.  Attendees bring a covered dish to share.

  • ECO Field Trips

Events in the past have included Eagle Nest watching at the Conowingo Dam, Nature Preserve Hikes in the Heinz Preserve and other one day destinations focused on Nature walks.

Look for Eco Ministry’s Bulletin Board and Recycling Center at the bottom of the main stairwell and the recycled bench they donated outside the main entrance.

In 2010, following a major renovation project, Reformation Lutheran church received the ENERGY STAR certification. This distinction recognizes buildings nationwide that use less energy and cause fewer greenhouse gas emissions than similar facilities. Reformation is pleased to demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship. Learn more here.

Eco Ministry Blog

Click a graphic below to read the latest in eco-ministry at Reformation…

Road Clean Up March 22
February Eco News
Rose Tree Road Fall Cleanup