One Hundred for One Hundred

Youth Mission Campaign

newYouthLogoAs we all know, it takes resources of time, talent and talents to send our youth and adult leaders on mission trips. In the spirit of Semper Ref, the Youth Ministry Team is changing things up for this year. We are giving the auction a well-deserved rest, and instead announcing a more simple and reflective One Hundred for One Hundred Campaign. The heartfelt “ask” of this campaign is to get 100 of our congregation members and our community partners to give $100 toward our Youth Mission Trip Fund. For each $100 raised, we will add a brick to our Mission House in the Narthex – and we won’t stop until the Mission House of 100 bricks is built! Can you give more than $100? – Absolutely!!! If $100 is a stretch, then give what you can – it’s all working toward our campaign goal of $10,000! Our Reformation Youth will have a special thank you gift in return!

So far we have collected [donations_collected_funds format=”money”] of our [donations_target format=”money”].

Please use the form below to donate: