Committee Chair: Sue Bianco
Council Liaison: Marilyn Gilroy
Christian Ed oversees the operation and the promotion of all Christian Education programs of Reformation.
This includes continuous programs: Adult Education Faith Builders (including Adult Forum, Bible Study, Faith-Life Connections, Lenten and other small group studies, and Women’s Connection), First Communion, Youth Education (confirmation and Breakfast Club), Library, Stepping Stones, Sunday School; and programming that runs for a limited time: Scholar in Residence, Vacation Bible School, and other special events.
In addition, Christian Education interacts with other Ministries in a variety of ways: Community Action (food drives and Aid for Friends), Eco (Earth Day events), and Youth (Bear Mountain) as well as the Reformation Schools Board.
Adult Education
These opportunities at Reformation are designed to help members and others in the community to grow in the spiritual dimension of their lives and to build a living faith. They are scheduled on Sunday mornings from September through Mid-June at 9:45 a.m.
Bible Study
We study books from the old and new testaments and a variety of Bible related topics. This is an informal discussion style group and all adults are welcome to participate. We meet most Sundays in the choir room during the Sunday School hour. There is a calendar available online and on paper if that is preferred.
If there are any questions please call George or Nancy Clark.
Faith & Life Connection Class
The Faith Life Connection class is an adult study designed for faith engagement and learning on Sunday mornings, 9:45 am, Creighton Hall, held in accordance with the Christian Education calendar, defined by the Christian Education Committee.
Adult Forum
Held in Creighton Hall as announced. Topics might include: the Budget Presentation in January; Scholar In Residence in the spring; Eco Sunday in April; Youth Presentation on Summer Activities; Advent Family Event just prior to the beginning of advent.
Women’s Connection
Women’s Connection is a group that meets most Sundays when there is Sunday School from 9:45-10:45. Women of all ages and stages of life are welcome to attend. The purpose of the group is to foster connections between the women of Reformation, provide time for female fellowship and faith exploration in a caring supportive environment. Generally, each meeting starts with a care check followed by a short devotional or other discussion material and ends with prayer. Topics and discussion material are chosen by the group. Meetings are led by various members of the group. Meetings are held in the Women’s Connection room in between the library and the R.O.C.K youth room. New members are welcome at any point in time!
For more information contact Sarah Bocian via email.
Youth Education
This includes Confirmation Class and Senior High Class that meet weekly also on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. Confirmation Class engages the seventh and eighth graders in such subjects as discipleship, Lutheran teachings, commitment to God’s call, living a Christian life, etc. and prepares them for Confirmation. The service of Confirmation is held in October.
Confirmation Mentor Program
As our confirmation students are preparing to affirm the promises made on their behalf at their baptisms, we recognize that this is a vital time in their faith development. Through this mentor program, we provide an additional element of purposeful relationship with an adult member of the congregation. These relationships offer an opportunity for our youth to see faithful adults who live out their calls from God in many different and wonderful ways and give our youth a way to see their own lives fitting into this community.

Stepping Stones
This is a program designed to involve the congregation together with the family in celebrating the religious milestones through which children progress as they develop in the faith. We recognize the Stepping Stones of Baptism, entry into Sunday School, presentation of a Bible in 2nd grade, First Communion, beginning Confirmation preparation, Confirmation, and High School Graduation. Each step involves a blessing of the child/children during the worship service and usually a gift from the congregation. Depending on the milestone, the child or family may also receive education preparing them for the event. We intend this program to provide our families and youth with a tangible feeling of support from our congregation to encourage them to fulfill the promises they make in baptism and confirmation.
Sunday School
These classes are provided for children age three through sixth grade. Youngsters under age three, our Small Stars, meet from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. The teachers appreciate the efforts of parents who bring their children to class each Sunday. A Bible lesson is presented each Sunday with emphasis placed on how these lessons can be used in daily lives. Bible stories are reenacted, pages are colored, projects are completed and games are played. Special activities are: Rally Day, Camp Sunday, Eco-Sunday, MLK Day of Service, filling food trays for Aid for Friends and donating food for City Team.
Vacation Bible School
This program is held annually in the summer for children aged 3 through Grade 6 (entering in the upcoming September). The program runs for 5 evenings, Sunday through Thursday, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. (Parents of the younger children may arrange with the teacher for an earlier dismissal.) There is classroom time for lessons and activities as well as snacks, games, crafts, music, and much more, arranged around the selected theme for that year.
An adult class focusing on the VBS theme is held also.
Reformation Library
The library serves our congregation and its ministries with more than 1600 items in our self-serve collection that includes books, periodicals, videos, audio cd’s, music, and collections for children, teens and adults.
The Library’s collection is cataloged to professional library standards. The collection database can be searched from the computer in the library, and is accessible online here.
Book Club:
The Reformation Library hosts quarterly evening Book Club discussions including both fiction and non-fiction. The selections are chosen by the participants with rotating discussion leaders. Recent books discussed included Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night; Born a Crime; News of the World. ALL members are invited to participate in Book Club discussions. See Laura Reiter for more information. Future discussion dates can be found on the church calendar.
Scholar in Residence
This is a program held in the spring of the year. A noted individual is invited to present a seminar on Saturday for a nominal registration fee. The scholar also preaches at the services on the Sunday morning of that weekend.