When someone experiences loss, there are reactions to such loss. Loss produces grief. Grief is a term used to describe the collective, often compounding reaction to loss. Our responses to loss can arise as result of the death of a loved one, estrangement from family, divorce, loss of a friend, a job, moving to a new location, through many and varied life transitions. Losses can be anticipated, many are often spontaneous, other ambiguous.
Currently at Reformation, a three week All Our Losses, All Our Grief class is held each Winter, Summer, and Fall. Weekly sessions are grounded by three questions: What is loss? What is grief? What is ritual?
Class time is shaped by participants story telling, life review, movie shorts, poetry and prayer. If you have questions or seek to register (required) contact DeaconBeth@relcmedia.org
View our latest/upcoming sessions below by clicking a photo below…