Confirmation Mentors

Confirmation Mentor Program – As our confirmation students are preparing to affirm the promises made on their behalf at their baptisms, we recognize that this is a vital time in their faith development. Since 2013 we have added this additional element of purposeful relationship with an adult member of the congregation. These relationships offer an opportunity for our youth to see faithful adults who live out their calls from God in many different and wonderful ways and give our youth a way to see their own lives fitting into this community.

Below you will find all of the information we included in your mentor training packet – so that you have it whenever you may need it.

All volunteers must have their clearances renewed every five years. More information here.

Our confirmation mentors are such an important piece of our confirmation ministry program. They mentor their student through both years of confirmation and stand with them in front of the congregation when they are confirmed.

THANK YOU for all you do!

Ecumenical/Interfaith Confirmation Mentor & Mentee Challenge – an activity you and your mentee can do together even as we social distance to learn about and experience other faiths.

2023-2024 Confirmation Mentor Schedule:

Unless otherwise noted, classes begin at 9:45 AM. Please let Pastor Eileen know if you are not able to attend.


February 11 – Confirmation with Mentors
March 10 – Confirmation with Mentors & Parents
March 15-17 Tuscarora Retreat, No Confirmation
May 5 – Confirmation with Mentors; Last Class of the Year



Additional Confirmation Mentor Meetings:

Training: September 17, 2023
Check-In Meeting: February 25, 2024