Ministries play a vital role in the church. They are where we serve – be it by serving the church, the community, the environment, or even the globe.
Click on any ministry name below to find out more.
Christian Education Ministry
Oversees and promotes all Christian education programs: Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, Adult Small Group Studies, Adult Forum, Adult Bible Study, and Scholar-in-Residence, Library Committee.
Community Action Ministry
Organizes service, outreach, and advocacy opportunities for the congregation, which currently includes: Feeding the Homeless, Holiday Food Bags, Lent Care Kits, Caring for Friends meals, NGA collections, St Nick Sunday, and more.
Oversees the programs for church recycling and education regarding care of God’s creation. Programs include: Rose Tree Road Clean-Up, Eco Sunday event, Eco Tips, Paper Recycling, Eco Movie night.
Finance Ministry
Exercises financial oversight, handles the yearly stewardship campaign, manages special gifts, reviews budget, works with the treasurer to help our congregation in its own financial stewardship, monitoring our income and expenses, overseeing investments and encouraging good fund and fiscal management.
Global Mission
Encourages congregational participation in the worldwide ecumenical work of the church by learning about the Church and various faiths around the world, and participating in the Tanzania Partnership.
Hospitality Ministry
The Hospitality Ministry undertakes and coordinates many congregational events to promote interaction of the entire congregation.
Connections Ministry
Strives to reach others who do not have a church home, that they might become members of Christ’s church; devoted to deepening spiritual, and promoting a welcoming climate for visitors. We provide for public relations and media awareness, website and social media exposure. We coordinate the incorporation of new members into the congregation, and administer such programs as our Greeter volunteers, Cookie Angels, visitor follow-up, the WE CARE program, friendship pads, name tags, bulletin collation, and the Power of One inviting initiative.
Property Ministry
Oversees the maintenance and protection of all our Church Property. They keep our building and grounds safe and beautiful, with clean-up days and building maintenance. Are you handy? Do you take pride in building and repairing things? Use your gifts for God’s house.
Worship and Music Ministry
Children’s and adult choirs, altar guild, ushers, acolytes, lectors and liturgists are among our worship support teams.
Youth Ministry
Junior and Senior High activities along with pre-teen events, National Youth Gatherings, work camps and retreats, and service projects.