Jesus’ words promising abundant life echoes through the mission and ministry of Reformation. There is no place where we look that we do not recognize this truth and the opportunities for where God is calling us next.
We live life abundant in our faith. This promise from Jesus is not for material goods but rather the reality of God’s love that has no end and knows no bounds. The community that gathers at Reformation and those in the community that know of the mission of the congregation continue to witness to the abundance of God’s love
We live life abundant at Reformation. From our worship and fellowship to our school programs to our community groups this building is constantly alive with activity and purpose. There is always a place for everyone and ways to grow in relationship with our neighbors.
We live life abundant in the world. The commitment to serving and generosity extends far beyond the walls of this congregation. We celebrate the abundance of blessings given to us and the way we can use them in service to God and neighbor.
As we journey through this year together, we invite you to look for where you see life abundant, where the promises of God’s love are made real for you, and the ways in which we are called to move together into the places God is calling to together.